Egyptian Antiquity Museum (2.5 hours)

Lulu Kordi
Article By: Lulu Kordi
5 years ago
0 ratings
Culture-Monument Culture-Museum Culture-Statue

We arrived at 9.30 am and bought our tickets at the gate. We hired one of the guides who are present in the museum garden after agreeing on the price with him. Our guide lead us through the first floor main rooms to see different pieces from different ages (Ancient Egyptian, Greco-Roman, Ptolemaic etc) and we also toured the halls filled with plenty of pieces each reflecting the life during its own era and what tools did they use while creating their civilization. The guide showed us the only statue that was found for King Khufu (the king behind the Great Pyramid of Giza): amazingly, the statue is only 7 cm long and it’s finely sculptured in a way that we could clearly define his features. Make sure to visit the 2nd Floor and Tutankhamon and all the treasures that were discovered in his tomb. There, the king’s mask (made of pure gold) is displayed in a special room. * note: stay tuned for the opening of the opening of the new Grand Egyptian Museum that will replace this one and is really way much bigger (website: It will display the current collection plus all the treasures that are currently stored in the basement of Tahrir. Once done with the Egyptian museum, we grabbed a sandwich from Al Tahrir square (we wento to La Poire Café’)
  • Details

  • eltahrir sqair, قصر الدوبارة، عابدين، محافظة القاهرة‬، Egypt
  • Entry
    Prices for Egyptian Antiquity Museum (2.5 hours)
    Category Price Restrictions
    Standard 200.00 - 240.00 EGP Plus fee
    Students 125.00 EGP Plus fee
    Kids 0.00 EGP Under 6
  • Sliders
    Physical 3
    Culture 5
    Fun 0
    Education 5
  • Tags
    Rainy day
    Family friendly
    Tourist must-do

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