
Anne Renaux
Article By: Anne Renaux
3 years ago
0 ratings
Culture-Art Gallery

The Vlaeykensgang is Antwerp's most beautiful secret passage. Step through the little gate at the Oude Koornmarkt or at the Pelgrimstraat and imagine yourself at another time. The passage used to be the domain of shoemakers, and this was the place where the poorest of the city lived. Now it is home to antique shops, art galleries, and an exclusive Sir Anthony Van Dyck restaurant. The cosy street owes its name to a flan and waffle house that used to be located here. Photo credits: picture by JGrandgagnage from Pixabay
  • Details

  • Vlaaikensgang, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium
  • Entry
    Prices for Vlaeykensgang
    Category Price Restrictions
    Standard Free
  • Sliders
    Physical 1
    Culture 2
    Fun 0
    Education 0
  • Tags
    Family friendly
    Hidden gem
    Tourist must-do

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