Piazza della Signoria, P.za della Signoria

Article By: Arianna
3 years ago
0 ratings
Culture-Palace Culture-Statue

Piazza Della Signoria is one of the most iconic “piazze”, or squares, in Florence. When you first arrive, just look around and let the Italian renaissance atmosphere take you back in time. Here you have the chance to see several bronzes and marmoreal sculptural groups dated from the Middle Age to the 16th century. The iconic Michelangelo's David: You can find the original by Michelangelo in the Galleria dell’Accademia where it has been removed from its original context to prevent it from eroding. The copy is situated in front of Palazzo Vecchio, the real position of the “David”. The Rape of the Sabine Women is situated in the Loggia Dei Lanzi and sculpted by Giambologna in 1583. Perseus with the Head of Medusa, also situated in the Loggia Dei Lanzi and sculpted by Cellini in 1554. On the other side of the Piazza, Nord-ovest of Palazzo Vecchio, you can find the magnificent Fountain of Neptune by Bartolomeo Ammannati (1575). Where to enjoy a brief break with a view of Piazza Della Signoria: When you arrive at the Fountain of Neptune, I recommend having a relaxing espresso moment in one of the cafes that face the Fountain. Even in the wintertime, enjoy the typical Italian snack, caffè or cappuccino, and brioches, warmed up by electric heaters and covers. Photo by Matteo Kutufa on Unsplash
  • Details

  • P.za della Signoria, 50122 Firenze FI, Italy
  • Prices for Piazza della Signoria, P.za della Signoria
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    Culture 5
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  • Tags
    Family friendly
    Tourist must-do

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