
Lily Crossley-Baxter
4 years ago
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The most important temple in Arashiyama, Tenryuji is known for its beautiful landscape gardens and as another UNESCO World Heritage site. The temple was originally built to appease the spirit of an Emperor in 1339 and while numerous buildings have been lost in fires over the centuries, the garden has remained intact. Designed by the renowned Muso Soseki, the Sogenchi garden centers on a rock-surrounded pond and employs the stunning mountains as a scenic backdrop - a prime example of shakkei (borrowed scenery) design. A strolling pond garden, it has been a popular spot for visitors since the late 18th century and was included in a guide to traditional gardens published in 1799. The majority of the current buildings were rebuilt in the Meiji period, but are still fascinating to explore. The Hojo is the large main hall and can be visited for an additional fee, while the Hatto (Dharma Hall) is home to the impressive Cloud Dragon painting on the ceiling. The Hatto is only open on weekends and holidays and during special seasonal dates. Within the Ryumontei (Dragon Gate Pavilion) is the temple’s vegetarian restaurant, Shigetsu. Here, visitors can try traditional Buddhist cuisine known as shojin ryori which is a restrained, seasonal selection served as a multi-dish course. Entry: Gardens are 500 yen (adults), 300 yen (junior high and below) Entry to the temple grounds is an additional 300 yen. Entry to the Dharma Hall is an additional 500 yen. Hours: 8.30am - 5pm (last entry 4.50pm) [Images: 1. Dongjakumin/Pixabay 2. LCB
  • Details

  • Japan, 〒616-8385 京都府京都市右京区嵯峨天龍寺芒ノ馬場町68
  • Entry
    Prices for Tenryuji
    Category Price Restrictions
    Standard 500.00 JPY Plus fee
    Kids 300.00 JPY Under 15 Plus fee
  • Website
  • Sliders
    Physical 2
    Culture 4
    Fun 3
    Education 3
  • Tags
    Family friendly

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