
Dan Hill
Article By: Dan Hill
4 years ago
0 ratings

Christianshavn is a 3.4 square km residential neighbourhood in Copenhagen. It both borders the main canal through Copenhagen, and has waterways running through it - making it a popular destination with tourist sight-seeing boats. Christianshavn sits on artificial islands - and was founded in the early 17th century by Christian IV - who modelled the area on Dutch cities which he had visited. The harbour is picturesque - and their are a few nice restaurants and bars along the water front. There are numerous historical buildings - such as the Church of Our Saviour, and Christiana may also be found here. Photo credits: Kristian Klausen, Gints Gailis, Peter Ivey-Hansen,
  • Details

  • Christianshavn, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Prices for Christianshavn
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    Physical 2
    Culture 3
    Fun 0
    Education 0
  • Tags
    Family friendly
    Tourist must-do

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