Public profile


Planning freaks should also be allowed a break
Copenhagen, Denmark
Joined 5 years ago
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Reputation: 50
About me
USSR-born national, world citizen at heart with over half a life of expat experience from multiple countries in Europe. Currently settled in Denmark, Copenhagen region for the overseeable future, which makes me both happy and proud. My burning passion for travel and indomitable desire for swallowing the experiences from as many distant locations as possible, has most recently been restricted (or appeased?) by the appearance of the adorable little additions to my immediate family. Those who experienced it know: life changes. The concept of time suddenly becomes much more present, the necessity for planning sharply manifests itself at each phase of the day, flexibility in movement steps back before the bulky prams, travel cots, piles of diapers, change of clothes and irreplaceable teddies that must accompany you on every trip out. (Disclaimer: I love my children!) These changes brought along a different perspective. What if the joy of surprise, exploration and learning can be experienced in your backyard? What if, what really matters is not behind the next blue horizon but at the stretch of your arm? What if, I miss out not by not visiting 10 different countries per year but by not connecting with what I already have around me?.. So was MapADay born. Our baby numbers 3.

Places created

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5 years ago Munkholm Skov
5 years ago Arken Museum of Modern Arts

Events created

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Itineraries created

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Reviews created

Created Title Helpful
4 years ago Excellent spot just off the the busy walking street 1
4 years ago An absolute zen place for peace-seakers 1

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