Big Onofrio's Fountain

Freya Godfrey
Article By: Freya Godfrey
3 years ago
0 ratings

Just after you’ve passed through Pile Gate, you’ll come across Onofrio’s Fountain to your right. This huge, circular fountain was built in 1438, and was designed by the famous Italian architect Onofrio di Giordano della Cava. It has sixteen taps, above each of which is surrounded by a carved mask. The fountain’s appearance was marred by an earthquake in 1667, but it’s still a truly impressive sight. The water is drinkable, so why not top up your water bottle from one of the fanciest usable water fountains in the world? You can also find Little Onofrio’s Fountain in Luža Square at the other end of the street. As you walk along, you may notice locations that have featured in Game of Thrones as part of King's Landing, particularly during Cersei's Walk of Shame in season 5. Image by Hannah Suddaby from Unsplash
  • Details

  • Large Onofrio's Fountain, Poljana Paska Miličevića 2000, 20000, Dubrovnik, Croatia
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    Prices for Big Onofrio's Fountain
    Category Price Restrictions
    Standard Free
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    Physical 0
    Culture 5
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  • Tags
    Family friendly
    Tourist must-do

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