The Blue Lagoon - Iceland

Dan Hill
Article By: Dan Hill
5 years ago
0 ratings
Eat & Drink-Bar Eat & Drink-Cafe Exercise-Swimming Nature-Lagoon Nature-Rock formation Wellness-Spa

We visited The Blue Lagoon in Iceland in May 2019 - and it was in fact the first stop we made after having collected our hire car at the airport. The Blue Lagoon is an open-door bathing area where the water is a combination of sea-water and fresh water which meet 2000 meters below the surface. The water is then heated naturally in the earth and subjected to extreme pressures - which creates "geothermal seawater". The Blue Lagoon says that this water gets enriched with "silica, algae, and minerals—the bioactive elements that endow this unique fluid with its healing, rejuvenating, nourishing abilities". The facilities are impressive - and geared up to entertaining a lot of tourists. Booking online is encouraged - and I recall we booked online using our phone on arrival. We received towels and spa-gowns on entry. The changing area has lockers to protect belongings, and showers for washing before and after entry to the pool. We visited on a grey and not-particularly warm day, but the water in the pool keeps you extremely warm. The pool is set in natural volcanic rocks - and is large enough to entertain masses of tourists without it feeling overcrowded. There's a bar area set in the pool, and kiosks to obtain silica and algae to treat your skin with while bathing. There are also steam rooms just off the pool area. There is a restaurant and a gift shop selling skin treatments and other goodies. All in all, this was a great experience. Later in our vacation we tried a municipal pool used by the locals - which was also naturally heated and with a steam room - but of course not as commercially polished. It was considerably cheaper, but we enjoyed it - so another option, and well worth the experience. Photo by Jeff Sheldon on
  • Details

  • Norðurljósavegur 9, Iceland
  • Entry
    Prices for The Blue Lagoon - Iceland
    Category Price Restrictions
    Standard 10900.00 - 79000.00 ISK
  • Website
  • Sliders
    Physical 2
    Culture 0
    Fun 3
    Education 2
  • Tags
    Family friendly
    Tourist must-do

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