Create an event

  • It's really quick & easy to get started - just sign-up
  • Reach millions of potential event participants today!
  • There's currently over 100,000 events in our database
  • When logged in, select "Post Event" from the mobile navigation bar or menu on desktop
  • What are you waiting for?

Why list on MapADay?

  • Listing an event is completely free!
  • Users will see your event while planning their free time with our beautiful MapADay experience
  • Your event is also promoted by us into Google events and is optimised specifically as an event for Google's search engine
  • Our users will be matched with your event based off their location and preferences
  • You can target demographics that match perfectly with your event
  • You'll get detailed statistics on the reach of your promotion including anonymous data on numbers of views, likes, bookmarks
  • Your event will be included in our daily events newsletters targeted specifically at users who will be interested in your event
  • MapADay is suitable for all kinds of events - there's a wide selection of genres to choose from
Concert Image
Concerts & Festivals
Theatre Image
Theatre, Opera, Ballet, Stand-up
Exhibition Image
Children Image
Children's events
Corporate Event Image
Corporate events
Community Event Image
Community events